April 2020
Newsletter April 2020
Recruiters for the Copier Channel® for more than 30 years, Copier Careers® has been the only recruiting firm exclusively dedicated to connecting Copier Channel employers with experienced service technicians, copier sales representatives, sales managers, service & operations managers, controllers, support staff, and MPS/MNS experts. Start your month off right with the Newsletter April 2020: Copier Channel news and career advice. Search copier jobs now.
COVID-19: Navigating Difficult Times
Top 5: Tips for Successful Remote Interviews
News from Xerox, HP and Canon
Sound Off: Are you planning to change jobs?
Poll-of-the-Month: How is COVID-19 affecting your work life?
COVID-19: Navigating Difficult Times
Copier Careers has worked with the Copier Channel through ups and downs for over thirty years. We are actively working to help you navigate this unprecedented situation – we’re here to discuss your options in the face of uncertainty.
We understand that this is an overwhelming situation to manage but we also know that this will come to an end. Now is the time to look beyond your day-to-day obstacles and plan for your future. When this crisis is over, the prepared will be best positioned to recover and grow in the changed business landscape.
The Copier Channel has been incredibly resilient over the decades, evolving through changes and upheavals to become essential to the modern workplace. We know from experience that the industry will get through this, and we’ll be here with you every step of the way. Whether you’re an employer or candidate, we’d love to talk with you about your situation, your needs and your hopes for the future.
From all of us here at Copier Careers, we hope you all are staying safe and hopeful – we’re all in this together!
Top 5: Tips for Successful Remote Interviews
Social distancing guidelines and the increasing number of shelter-in-place orders doesn’t stop many companies’ need to hire more people. Luckily the technology is already in place to conduct remote interviews, allowing potential employers and candidates to continue the hiring process in safety. Times of great upheaval can also open up new opportunities – now is the time to brush up on your remote interview skills! We’ve written at length about in-person interviewing for candidates and employers – all that preparation still applies to all parties involved, remote interviews just add some key steps:
- Prep your space. A poor interview space can ruin the meeting and waste everyone’s time so all parties need to find a quiet, private space with reliable reception or internet connection. If you’re prepping for a video interview, make sure the space is well-lit, professionally appropriate, and not too visually distracting. You want the person on the other end to be focused on you, not your dirty laundry or your cat. Test your space ahead of time with a friend to make sure you’ve accounted for all factors.
- Test your technology. This is fairly easy if you’re prepping for a phone interview – just make sure your phone works in your chosen space, that the battery is charged and that you have the correct phone number. If it’s going to be a video interview, make sure that the chosen program is compatible with your phone or computer. If you’re using a computer and webcam, test the camera and mike and take care of any computer updates. Make sure your phone and computer alerts are set to silent during the interview.
- Gather your resources. Make sure you have your interview resources close at hand – have the relevant job description, company info, resume, and prepared questions ready for quick reference. You should also have a pad and pen available to jot notes. Avoid taking notes on your computer, if possible – the sound of typing can be distracting, especially if you’re typing on the same machine that you’re using to video chat.
- Dress the part. Even if you’re doing a phone interview, still dress like you would for an in-person interview. Dressing the part puts you in the mindset of doing the part. It’s also useful in forcing structure and time-management into the time immediately before the interview. You should be on the top of your game for this – not just rolling out of bed! For video interviews, this is even more important. Make sure you’re wearing clean, appropriate business attire. Pay attention to the colors in your interview space so you don’t clash with other things in the shot. Stick to subtle or solid patterns and avoid very bright colors.
- Keep calm. With this preparation, you’ve covered and planned for everything you can control. Unexpected problems can still occur for you or the people on the other end of the line. Accept that internet, app, device issues, etc. may come up. If they do, that’s an excellent chance for you to demonstrate problem-solving abilities and a cool head – and to assess the same from others. Calmly solving the issue and resuming unruffled (or explaining the issue and rescheduling) is a much better look than raging or whining.
In the market for a new job? Our job board features hundreds of copier jobs with top employers, updated daily. Search jobs now.
Xerox Withdraws HP Offer
In the face of the coronavirus pandemic and its resulting economic uncertainty, Xerox announced they are withdrawing their tender offer to acquire HP. Moreover, Xerox will no longer be nominating new members to the HP Board of Directors, which was a crucial part of the company’s hostile takeover attempt.
The Xerox announcement states they are “prioritizing the health, safety and well-being of [their] employees, customers, partners and other stakeholders, and [their] broader response to the pandemic, over and above all other considerations.”
The press release goes on the jab at the HP board for refusing to “meaningfully engage” with Xerox, claiming their “continued delay tactics” have done a great disservice to HP stockholders. Read more.
HP Inc. Announces Partner Relief Initiatives
HP Inc. is providing a “variety of relief initiatives aimed at arming its global channel partner community” through challenges associated with COVID-19. These initiatives include free virtual cybersecurity support, robust virtual training and engagement platforms, and enhanced 24/7 customer support.
Canon USA Appoints New President & CEO
Kazuto Ogawa is appointed as the new president and CEO of Canon USA, effective April 1, 2020. This appointment was announced alongside changes to three other executive roles.
“It is a great honor to take on this role as the new president and chief executive officer of Canon U.S.A., Inc., especially during a time of uncertainty when COVID-19 is impacting the global marketplace,” said Ogawa. “In this pivotal moment, our employees, customers, channel partners and other stakeholders remain our top priority and we all need to work together to navigate through this challenging time.”
Copier Careers Delays 2020 Salary Surveys
Since 2001, Copier Careers has published annual salary surveys for Copier Channel professionals. These surveys have been published in the wake of 9/11, throughout the Great Recession and the following economic recovery. Years affected by regional natural disasters, national scandals and industry shakeups have still seen our salary surveys released.
The COVID-19 pandemic is presenting us with unprecedented economic upheaval on a global scale. We know we will get through this but we don’t know what things will look like on the other side.
For this reason, Copier Careers will be delaying the publication of our annual salary surveys this year. We are still collecting data, still working with our clients and candidates, still talking to industry professionals about their experiences during this crisis. We will be better able to offer useful, big-picture industry analysis in the new context when the pandemic has passed. Until then, visit our News & Resources page and keep an eye out for our monthly newsletters for industry updates, COVID-19 news and careers advice. [Read full post]
Read more news from around the industry on our News & Resources page.
Sound Off
Our readers respond to last month’s poll question
Last month we ask for your top reason for rejecting a job offer so we were curious to hear how many of you are looking to change jobs in the next six months. We had a solid turnout of 10,108 votes this month!
Nearly half (47%) of participants said they were not actively looking but would be open to the right opportunity. Another 43% said they were looking for jobs – 31% were window shopping while another 12% were actively looking. 10% said they definitely were not looking to change jobs. Less than 1% (25 votes) said they weren’t looking specifically because they had recently started new positions.
Are you planning to change jobs in the next 6 months?
- No, but I’m open to the right opportunity (47%, 4,720 Votes)
- Yes, I’m window shopping (31%, 3,173 Votes)
- Yes, I need a new job now! (12%, 1,228 Votes)
- No, I’m staying put! (10%, 962 Votes)
- No, I just got a new job (0%, 25 Votes)

Some comments from y’all:
- “I love my company, retiring or dying here!”
- “I’m pretty comfortable where I am right now, but I always have my eyes and ears open in case something better comes my way.”
- “Thanks Jess for the new position through Copier Careers. I’m set for my career now.”
- “My current employer does not provide any benefits whatsoever. No paid time off. Pay is below average. So, I’m looking.”
Looking for top Copier Channel professionals? Copier Careers helps industry employers find the qualified staff they need to grow their businesses. Learn more.
Copier Careers April 2020 Poll Question
How is COVID-19 affecting your work life?
- Working from home (17%, 2,205 Votes)
- Working with social distancing (17%, 2,188 Votes)
- Furloughed (17%, 2,175 Votes)
- Working reduced hours (15%, 1,996 Votes)
- Working reduced pay (14%, 1,850 Votes)
- Laid Off (12%, 1,536 Votes)
- No change (6%, 759 Votes)
- Terminated (2%, 221 Votes)