June 2021
June 2021
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The Top 5: Tips for Giving Effective Feedback
News from Xerox
Sound Off: How was your last interview?
Monthly Poll: Does your company give effective feedback?
The Top 5: Tips for Giving Effective Feedback
One of the most important aspects of any manager’s job is giving effective feedback to employees. Unfortunately, not every manager is a natural when it comes to dishing out praise and criticism. If feedback isn’t your forte, give these tips a try:
- Pick your time and place. The purpose of feedback is not to bully but to encourage helpful behavior and discourage problematic behavior in your employees. Public praise might make someone’s day and serve as a good example to others. Public ridicule, on the other hand, will likely result in anger, defiance or quitting without notice. Unless the problem behavior needs immediate correction, schedule some time to have a private discussion.
- Discuss choices, not personality traits. Telling someone that their mistakes are character flaws just shames them without offering any corrective guidance. Instead, focus on the choices they made and how/why they need to make different choices in future. Remember: behaviors are changeable, personality traits are not. Discussing choices changes the unhelpful critique of “you are lazy” into “you need to limit your social time at the water cooler as it is keeping you from completing your work.”
- Don’t ignore good behavior. It’s easy to notice when employees do something wrong. What’s more difficult is staying alert to what they’re doing right. A little praise can go a long way toward pointing someone who’s struggling in the right direction. Plus frequent positive feedback can make the occasional correction easier to swallow.
- Check for understanding. Some issues are clear cut but others might require an explanation. But don’t make the mistake of lecturing them and then asking, “Do you understand?” Let’s be real here: no one ever answers, “No,” in that context. No one likes to be corrected and most will say just about anything to make the lecture stop. Instead, make sure your feedback is in the form of a discussion. Once you’ve described the issue, ask the employee to explain it in their own words or from their perspective. Ask them if there is anything you’re not aware of that offers context for this issue. Engaging in meaningful discussion will give you more confidence that they really understand.
- Follow up. The whole point of feedback is to encourage change. Make your expectations clear with specific benchmarks you want to see your employee meet. Schedule times with them to check in on their progress. This lets your team know that you’re not nitpicking or on a power trip but are committed to helping them succeed.
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News from Xerox
On June 2nd, Xerox announced it has acquired Document Systems. The Southern Californian document solutions provider will become part of Xerox Business Solutions. The financial terms of this transaction have not been disclosed.
“We’re focused on strengthening our U.S. small and midsize business (SMB) market reach through the combined power of our portfolio of workplace solutions for SMBs and well-established local technology providers,” said Joanne Collins Smee, chief commercial, SMB and channels officer at Xerox. “As part of Xerox Business Solutions (XBS), Document Systems’ document management expertise will help us elevate the customer experience, improve productivity and power growth for SMBs.”
News from DEX Imaging & Konica Minolta
On June 8th, Konica Minolta announced “its final transfer of select sales offices to its independent dealer channel” and that DEX Imaging will be “acquiring a select number of Konica Minolta sales locations.”
“Change is required in order to foster growth as part of our digital transformation strategy. This transfer of assets has been carefully and thoughtfully planned to ensure advancement for our Dealer Channel, allowing for greater on-the-ground exposure to Konica Minolta services and products,” said Sam Errigo, COO, Konica Minolta. “This also allows Konica Minolta greater alignment and efficiencies across the entire distribution model, ensuring continued value creation in our core technology portfolio together with IT services, enterprise content management and emerging services.”
Sound Off
Last month we discussed what to do after a bad interview so we were curious to hear how your last interview went. We had a solid turnout of 11,096 votes this month!
Most of you (37%) feel very good about your last interview! 18% felt qualified for the position but could tell their interviewer wasn’t convinced. 11% said they thought they did well but didn’t get the job, another 11% thought their good interview made up for not perfectly meeting the job requirements. 9% thought they might have gotten lost in the crowd of applicants while another 8% didn’t want to talk about their last interview. The last 7% said their interview made it clear this was not a place they wanted to work.
How did your last interview go?
- Nailed it! (37%, 4,153 Votes)
- On paper I can do the job but I don’t think the interviewer liked me (18%, 1,944 Votes)
- I did great but I guess they didn’t get it? (11%, 1,191 Votes)
- Good even though I don’t perfectly meet their requirements (11%, 1,191 Votes)
- Fine but there were a lot of other candidates (9%, 989 Votes)
- I… don’t want to talk about it (8%, 855 Votes)
- I knew immediately I didn’t want to work there (7%, 773 Votes)

Some comments from y’all:
- “Nailed it! And I just passed my 90-day probationary period.”
- “Listening to the management team bad-mouth the incumbent and take zero responsibility for the issues was a complete turn-off. They invited me for a second interview, but I dropped out. I realized how much I appreciate my boss and his management style.”
- “One good indicator is if after about 15-20 minutes of traditional interview Q&A, it turns more into a two-way conversation. This is typically when my real questions get asked and I am inquiring about such things as the technology and software their products use and the specific ways they do things that can vary so much between companies. If the interview goes long (2 1/2 hours for the position I am currently in), that is a great sign. If they shake your hand after 30 minutes and say ‘We’ll let you know,’ then at the very best, it went just ok.”
Newsletter June 2021 Poll
Does your company give effective feedback?
- Feedback? Yes. Effective? No. (34%, 5,914 Votes)
- Yes - they like me, they really like me! (21%, 3,683 Votes)
- I honestly have no idea what they think of me (19%, 3,294 Votes)
- Yeah, I’m doing well but have a few things to improve (19%, 3,278 Votes)
- Sure but they’ve never had a positive thing to say (6%, 976 Votes)