Press Releases

Copier Careers® Featured in The Cannata Report Webinar

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 24th, 2020

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Paul Schwartz and Jessica Crowley of Copier Careers will be speaking with The Cannata Report in their upcoming webinar: Hiring and Retention in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. Join us to learn how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the current labor market and the independent dealer channel.

Our discussion will also include:

  • How the current labor environment is different than what the industry experienced during the economic meltdown of 2009
  • Why dealers are hiring and what types of positions they are looking to fill
  • How the candidate pool been impacted by the pandemic and what kind of talent is now available or willing to listen to offers who might not have been interested before
  • How this current climate has impacted workers who are still employed
  • The impact the pandemic has had on senior management and dealer principals

Visit our News & Resources page to find more industry news, career advice, and COVID-19 coverage.

Copier Careers® is a recruiting firm dedicated exclusively to helping Copier Channel employers find experienced service techs, copier sales reps, sales managers, service and operations managers, controllers, back office staff, and MPS / MNS experts. Learn more about our commitment as the only Recruiters for the Copier Channel™ at or call 888-733-4868 to speak with one of our recruiters. Whether you’re an employer, employee or job seeker, Copier Careers is here for you!

Copier Careers® More than Resumes, Candidate