October 2024
Copier Careers® is the only recruiting firm exclusively dedicated to the Copier and Office Solutions Channel™. With over 30 years of experience, Copier Careers connects employers and job seekers, providing valuable insights, career opportunities, and unmatched support in the industry. Whether you’re an employer, employee or job seeker, Copier Careers is here for you!
Copier Careers Placement Spotlight
Workplace Technology ProviderSM
A Candidate’s Road to their New Job
Our recruiters connected with this senior sales candidate back in 2019 and submitted them to our clients. The commute was a bit too long at that time so the candidate pulled out in early 2020. Then COVID hit, disrupting the business landscape and this candidate left the industry.
Our team reconnected with this candidate in 2024, finding they were interested in returning to the industry! Our recruiters submitted them to several of our clients and kept the candidate engaged through several months of interviews, screenings and miscellaneous delays. This placement required a bit more follow-up and persistence than most but our team saw them through to the end.
An Employer’s Search for a New Hire
Our client opened a search with us mid-2024 as they were looking to grow their sales team. We connected them with a number of candidates right away. We introduced them to their eventual hire within the first month.
This client was communicative and interested, responding within a day to schedule a screening call. They interviewed our candidate virtually and in-person over the next couple weeks and made them an offer within a month of connecting.
As with any hire, life can get in the way so there was some delay before the candidate could start. In our experience, clear and frequent communication can smooth over delays and allay concerns. Our team kept both employer and candidate connected throughout the wait.
Match Made
So many factors have to work out for a successful hire. The client must have a need for more people, a competitive compensation plan, a good reputation, a functional interviewing and onboarding process, and diligent hiring managers. The candidate must have the relevant skills, be within a reasonable commute or willing to move, be compatible with the company’s culture, and be available for a new opportunity.
Finding the right person at the right place at the right time is what we do!
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Monthly Poll
Take the October 2024 Poll
How did you get your current job?
- Employee referral (27%, 20 Votes)
- Other (25%, 18 Votes)
- Applied via a job board (16%, 12 Votes)
- Applied internally, promotion (10%, 7 Votes)
- Applied via the company’s website (10%, 7 Votes)
- Recruiter approached me (7%, 5 Votes)
- Applied internally, lateral move (4%, 3 Votes)
- I’m still looking! (1%, 1 Votes)

Poll Results
September 2024
Do you have different versions of your resume for different jobs?
- I just update my current resume to fit the job I'm applying to (31%, 16 Votes)
- No, I'm applying to the same types of jobs so my resume is good (25%, 13 Votes)
- Yes, I have a few variations for different job titles (22%, 11 Votes)
- I don't have a resume (16%, 8 Votes)
- Are you kidding? I don't know where my resume even is (6%, 3 Votes)

Featured Comments:
- “No, I have my one resume that I submit around.”
- “I have different resumes for different job types. Sometimes I apply out of the industry so I have to talk about transferable skills.”
- “Previously, I would include a copy of a letter from a customer, stating how pleased they were with the service I provided. But, since communication has become almost entirely email, I am not given copies of letters from customers anymore. Since some people exaggerate on their resumes, I felt that a letter from a customer, on their letterhead, carried more credibility than what I wrote on my resume. In my current position, two technicians that were already employed at the company, vouched for me, because I had worked with them in the past. Some form of reference, either from customers, or other technicians, is quite helpful in making a candidate stand out from all the others applying for the position.”
- “I keep meaning to dust off my resume…”
October 2024
Most Recent Job Placements
Sales Representative
Experienced Sales Representative placed with a multi-state independent dealer
Service Manager
Branch Service Manager placed for a regional comprehensive service provider
Experience Technician placed at a market-level Workplace Technology ProviderSM