
July 2024

Copier Careers® is the only recruiting firm exclusively dedicated to the Copier and Office Solutions Channel. With over 30 years of experience, Copier Careers connects employers and job seekers, providing valuable insights, career opportunities, and unmatched support in the industry. Whether you’re an employer, employee or job seeker, Copier Careers is here for you!

7 Strategies to Attract a Good Salesperson

Copier Careers® InsightsSM With The Cannata Report®

Read the full article at The Cannata Report

Quality candidates are out there, but why would they want to work for you? A good salesperson shouldn’t be all that difficult to find. However, finding a good salesperson looking for a first-time or new opportunity in the office technology dealer channel is more challenging, particularly in the current environment. So, what strategies can make a difference when recruiting? Our recruiters identified seven:

  1. A Good Comp Plan: Candidates are usually looking for a combination of a competitive base salary, a ramp-up or a guarantee, a non-recoverable draw, and a book of business. “I’m not saying you have to give them a full-on territory, but something to incentivize them to move from where they’re currently at is really the only way that you’re going to attract someone from our channel or outside the channel,” explained senior vice president, Jessica Crowley.
  2. Good Communication: Sometimes, the most effective strategies are the simplest to implement. We emphasized this point in a previous Copier Careers® Insights® column, but keeping the candidate engaged is critical during the interviewing process, which means the employer must be responsive. “I was talking to a candidate the other day who absolutely wouldn’t consider an offer because the client had gone silent for about six weeks,” revealed senior regional recruiter, Jenna Humbert.
  3. Competitive Perks: PTO is an increasingly important perk, with more candidates concerned about work-life balance. They want to know if the employer is flexible and realizes the candidate has a life outside of work that’s important to them. “That’s usually one of the first questions we’re asked when we tell candidates about a company,” observed Crowley.
  4. Reputation Matters: Candidates sometimes share concerns about negative stories they’ve heard about a company. “If a company has a reputation for treating their employees badly, or if the candidate knows somebody that worked there and had a bad experience, they don’t want to talk to them,” observed Humbert. “I usually say you need to form your opinion. Don’t go based on somebody else’s experience.” Once the candidate speaks with the client, 90% of the time, Humbert finds that it’s not what the candidate expected, realizing that, yes, it is better to form their own opinion.
  5. Balance Youth and Experience: When someone tells Humbert they don’t want anybody with more than three years of experience, she tells them that they might be missing out on someone who still loves to hunt and find new business. “Maybe they don’t want to be in leadership, but they can still mold and mentor younger reps,” said Humbert. As she told one client, “What if that person is exactly what you need to build this territory and make the reps fall in love with the industry and stay in it?”
  6. Have Realistic Expectations about Net-New Territories: If an employer expects an experienced rep to build a net-new territory, there has to be a realistic ramp-up in the quota expectations and compensation. “Why would they leave a six-figure position to start over with a minimal base? What’s the incentive?” asked Crowley. “Unless something happened with their current employer and they’re out of a job or their commission is cut significantly, or there was a management change, and they can’t take it, there’s no reason for them to make a move.”
  7. A Willingness to Meet in the Middle: It’s extremely rare for a candidate to check all the boxes the client is looking for and a client to check all the boxes for a candidate. “If a client gives us a list of 10 checklist items that they must have on a candidate, our chance of finding all 10 is practically zero,” acknowledged president, Paul Schwartz. A realistic expectation is six or seven of those items.

Be sure to check out the full article at The Cannata Report

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Take the July 2024 Poll

What makes your company attractive to new sales reps?

  • Our quality service department (25%, 11 Votes)
  • Our comp plan (18%, 8 Votes)
  • Our product line (16%, 7 Votes)
  • Our reputation (16%, 7 Votes)
  • Our leadership (11%, 5 Votes)
  • Our territories (5%, 2 Votes)
  • Our work flexibility (5%, 2 Votes)
  • Our smooth hiring process (2%, 1 Votes)
  • Our employee referral program (2%, 1 Votes)
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Poll Results
June 2024

Are you open to a new opportunity right now?

  • Maybe? Really depends on the compensation (28%, 27 Votes)
  • No, I'm happy where I'm at (22%, 21 Votes)
  • No, I'm retiring in the next few years (20%, 19 Votes)
  • Yes, get me out of this job! (19%, 18 Votes)
  • Maybe? Really depends on the company (8%, 8 Votes)
  • Yes, I'm unemployed and actively looking! (2%, 2 Votes)
  • Maybe? Really depends on benefits (1%, 1 Votes)
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Featured Comments:

  • Our readers have spoken! The #1 concern was compensation and the comments mirror what we’ve seen – candidates will follow the money. Right now, the money is leading many out of the industry. Employers struggling to hire must take note: your compensation must be competitive with other industries in your market.
  • “I’m a rookie and new to the industry. Going to make some kind of move once I get a little more experience under my belt. If I wait too long, I’ll be getting outearned by fast-food workers in my job market.”
  • “I have about 30 months left to work before retirement. I’ve had an enjoyable career of over 40 years, but it’s about time focus on what comes next in my mid-to-late 60s.”
  • “For me it all comes down to culture. I’ve worked at some pretty sketchy companies in the past. I found an honest, ethical, fun place to work and I’m sticking to it. There have been times I’ve been tempted to look elsewhere but I’ve trusted that the rocky times would work out.”
  • “A mentor of mine once told me, ‘You should always have two jobs: the one you have now, and the one you’re going to next.’ When skilled workers remain underpaid, that advice is especially germane.”
  • “I’m actively looking. Earning a competitive salary/benefits and supporting my family now takes precedence over beating my friends to the bar for happy hour.”
  • “Why isn’t salary included? Copy techs are the most underpaid profession out there. No one should consider this stressful field under 50K annually. I left at 60K and hated it. The era of $17/hour technicians is over.”
  • “After 25 years in the office equipment industry, a business in another industry hired me away. To fellow copier service employees, don’t be afraid to jump from a business or model that no longer meets your goals and stifles your potential. You are worth so much more.”
  • “New job, new industry. A friend of mine has been a package delivery driver for the same three decades I’ve worked on copiers. As a completely unskilled worker, he has outearned me 2-1 in those 30 years and has 140 times more money saved for retirement.”
  • “As an Oce (pre-Canon) veteran I had not only great compensation, but also great benefits, pension & retirement benefits, much potential for horizontal and vertical career growth. While some of this had been gutted by Canon, some of these aspects remain, to an extent. Is there another copier company that cares for its employees in such a manner?”

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