April 2024
Copier Careers® is the only recruiting firm exclusively dedicated to the Copier and Office Solutions Channel™. With over 30 years of experience, Copier Careers connects employers and job seekers, providing valuable insights, career opportunities, and unmatched support in the industry. Whether you’re an employer, employee or job seeker, Copier Careers is here for you!
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Take the April 2024 Poll
Have you ever relocated for a new position?
- Yes, I moved to a new region (31%, 35 Votes)
- No, I never have and never will be interested in relocating (31%, 35 Votes)
- Yes, I moved to a new metro area (14%, 16 Votes)
- No but I'm considering it for my next job (12%, 14 Votes)
- No but I moved and then found a new job (4%, 5 Votes)
- Yes, I've even changed countries for work (4%, 4 Votes)
- Yes but just across the city (2%, 2 Votes)
- No but my commute is long enough that I might move (2%, 2 Votes)
- Yes, my job requires periodic relocations (1%, 1 Votes)
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Poll Results
March 2024
What's your company's #1 hiring pain point?
- Offering competitive compensation (without alienating existing staff) (48%, 29 Votes)
- The time and effort to find candidates (23%, 14 Votes)
- Company culture changes with new hires, especially with generational change (7%, 4 Votes)
- Keeping operations running when short staffed (7%, 4 Votes)
- The time and effort to train new hires (5%, 3 Votes)
- Countering counteroffers (3%, 2 Votes)
- Retaining new hires (3%, 2 Votes)
- The time and effort to run the interview process (2%, 1 Votes)
- Overcoming candidate objections (2%, 1 Votes)
- Oh come on, hiring isn't really that hard! (0%, 0 Votes)
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Featured Comments:
- “You don’t have to look any further than pay and benefits. Why would a tech school graduate accept a position starting at $17 an hour? There are too many other peripheral service industries offering more competitive pay.”
- “Until the skilled work of a copier technician is recognized and competitivly paid well above what a gig worker, barista, driver or fast food employee makes, there will continue to be a shortage of candidates. It’s simple economics.”
- “A considerable number of copier technicians only remain in the industry because their spouse is the primary breadwinner and has better health insurance.”
- “I’ve been a copier tech for almost a year now and was completely new to the industry. The compensation is only enough for me while I still live at home. Once I begin looking for an apartment, I’ll have to consider other employment options.”
- “Only a few apply and most ghost on the interview.”
- “Good or bad the office automation industry is not sexy. Those entering the workforce have been told that WFH is a must. If you are in this industry WFH is really not an option. Sure once in a great while you can do the office administration work from home but it is really difficult to sell these products and service if you are not in front of a person. Clients want to know you are there for them. Like it or not what we do and sell is still important to the day to day operations of a company. The company needs to know they have the support if something goes wrong. Being there is the best support you can give. Yes, I am one of those that could walk away at any time and retire. If I do that I leave a career that has give me and my family a very nice life. I have put three daughter through college and all have as ironic as it is very good work from home jobs. They hide behind their screens and love it. It is just a very hard job to start out with. You will learn a lot and if you are any good you can make a very fair wage. I do not envy my superiors who need to first find people, then convince them to join and finally train them and teach them the ways of the crazy business.”
- “My company is not hiring. Wages are low. Most Techss over 50, lots about to retire. Not a good future.”
- “As a candidate in a recent interview, my frustration was being told the dealership wasn’t looking for the best possible candidate. The offer reflected that thought process. It’s increasingly apparent that being the best at this job makes one overqualified.”
April 2024
Most Recent Job Placements
Sales Manager
Experienced Marketplace Manager placed with regional business technology dealer
Service Director
Experienced Service Director placed for a reprographics provider
OEM-Certified Technician placed at a regional office equipment dealer