Copier Careers® Poll Results & Comments
Poll: What’s Your Company’s Biggest 2022 Concern?
2022 Concerns Center on Hiring
Last month we discussed how to attract employees in a competitive job market so we were curious to hear what you thought was your company’s biggest 2022 concern. We had a solid turnout of 14,837 votes this month!
Consistent with what we’ve observed, the number one 2022 concern for businesses is currently finding employees, taking 56% of the vote. After that is the major disruption caused by supply chain issues with 28% of the vote. 12% of you were just focused on making it through the day-to-day. The remaining votes were split between expanding your customer base (2%), expanding products and services (1%), establishing your succession plan (1%) and negotiating a buyout or merger (1%).
Here are the full results:
What is your company’s biggest concern right now?
- Finding employees (56%, 8,247 Votes)
- Supply chain issues (28%, 4,135 Votes)
- Just getting though today (12%, 1,768 Votes)
- Expanding your customer base (2%, 306 Votes)
- Expanding products and services (1%, 179 Votes)
- Establishing your succession plan (1%, 103 Votes)
- Negotiating buyout or merger (1%, 99 Votes)

Some comments from y’all:
- “Can’t find employees if you’re not going to pay well especially to use your own car.”
- “We spent all last year trying to promise the companies we sold our products to that they would be getting them soon. Supply chain issues are drying up revenue, sales can’t sell, techs can’t install, and we’re stuck trying to make up for that lost revenue.”
- “The supply chain issues are wreaking havoc on our cash flow. We’ve had machines that were ordered last December that we’re still waiting on. We’re trying to get creative funding partial leases. You can forget trying to take over a customer because we have no idea when new equipment will be coming in. Our back order is about 8x the normal number!”
- “Finding sales people who want to hunt.”
- “The stress of dealing with backorders every day is a drain on productivity.”
- “The supply chain issues are continuing to hold back most businesses. Hopefully we will see some improvement as the summer progresses.”