Copier Careers® Poll Results & Comments
Poll: Does Your Company Give Effective Feedback?
Feedback Should Be More Than Just Noise
Last month we discussed tips for giving effective feedback so we were curious to hear about your current feedback experiences. We had a solid turnout of 17,145 votes this month!
The majority (53%) said their company’s feedback wasn’t effective – 34% said they hear plenty about how they’re doing but that it didn’t help them improve in any way while another 19% said they have no idea where they stand at their company. Which begs the question: is it worse to receive mostly useless noise from your manager or to be left in complete and unknowing silence?
Luckily, the other 47% of respondents said they got effective feedback of some kind – 21% said it was positive, 19% said they had things to improve and 7% said they only hear negative things. While getting negative responses can be frustrating, it’s worth if it it actually helps you break bad work habits and be more successful in your job. But managers shouldn’t just focus on the negative – they need to highlight successes so you know you’re on the right track.
Here are the full results:
Does your company give effective feedback?
- Feedback? Yes. Effective? No. (34%, 5,914 Votes)
- Yes – they like me, they really like me! (21%, 3,683 Votes)
- I honestly have no idea what they think of me (19%, 3,294 Votes)
- Yeah, I’m doing well but have a few things to improve (19%, 3,278 Votes)
- Sure but they’ve never had a positive thing to say (6%, 976 Votes)
Some comments from y’all:
- “In my experience the feedback reflects the emotional health of the leadership. They are not healthy at all and that is reflected in what they communicate and their overall leadership.”
- “Effective and documented feedback is one of the most important ways to keep Your employees engaged. You’d be surprised how aligned you are to your peoples views and sometimes have a completely different view of their abilities and results.”
- “We’re going through a company wide training on feedback right now with Dr. John Izzo. We want everyone to understand that feedback isn’t a personal attack. Managers are doing additional training on how to properly give feedback also. It’s been great so far.”
- “Their communication is so bad I don’t even know who I report to.”
- “Your response options don’t align with the question. Knowing if your company likes you (or not) doesn’t mean that they provide effective feedback. Taking the time to review performance and outlining what is done well and areas to improve would be effective feedback. Liking / not liking – what’s listed in your responses – doesn’t have anything to do with feedback being effective.”
- “All I get is a number rating.”
- “There are no accolades at the company I work for, no positive reinforcement at all. However, I have never been in trouble, and I get paid every period. I guess that is something.”
- “I worked for one company for almost a year. I never got a review. The only feedback I ever received was some petty and hypocritical complaints. Eventually, I left that company.”
- “I have worked for a company that never had anything but bad news to give me, it is not enjoyable and very stressful. Companies have got to stop micromanaging.”
- “We don’t get reviews or evaluations. We might get a response from a customer survey if it even gets sent out…”